Song of the Mourners - Cade Rose

– after Ada Limón

It’s funny how all the support
comes before we register
            what just happened.

Flowers, calls, letters, hugs,
anything to help those grieving;
            confused above all are we.

Maybe that’s just what delays
the inevitable. No, it’s just a
lack of understanding –

that it takes longer than you
think to realize that pain is not
            quite all. What we learn is

that pain does not simply come
and then fade. It has a delayed onset
            waiting for the storm to end.

And when the dust settles, and
when we need the support most,

the rest have moved on.

Cade Rose is a Brooklyn, New York based writer from Boston, Massachusetts. His work has appeared in Stone Poetry Quarterly, his undergraduate college’s own Snaggletooth Magazine, and is forthcoming in the Northern New England Review. When he’s not writing, he fills up his time with his love of sports, photography, arts and music, and most importantly, being with the people he loves. He holds a BA in Philosophy with a concentration in Religious Studies from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine.